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- Primary 3/4 - Mrs Vance
Welcome to Mrs Vance's class page!
This page has been set up to provide useful information for parents and pupils alike. You will find the termly topics listed below.
Please ensure that your child is completing their Accelerated Reading/Reading Eggs and Mathletics every night in order to support their learning.
This term we will be performing our nativity show, "Lights, Camel, Action!" Please sing song words (P3/4) and read through script (P4 only).
Primary 3/4 Numeracy focus this term:
Mental Maths:
- Add or subtract 9,19, 29 or subtract 11, 21 by adding or subtracting the next/previous multiple of ten and adjusting 1.
- Approximate numbers to the nearest 10.
- Add TU vertically with/without exchange.
- Understand the commutative property of multiplication.
- Understand the effect of multiplying a number by 1 or 0.
- Some children will know the multiplication facts for 2/5 times tables.
- Have quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 20.
- Rearrange numbers when adding to make a calculation easier.
- Count in 1s to find the difference between numbers.
- Double any number to 20 and calculate corresponding halves.
- Order a set of numbers in increasing/decreasing order
- Continue exploring addition using a variety of practical materials. Discuss and explain methods of working and answers.
- Use language of addition to talk about their work.
- Read and begin to write addition vocabulary.
- Continue developing horizontal addition through formal recording.
- Exploring subtraction using a variety of practical materials. Discuss and explain methods of working and answers.
- Use language of subtraction to talk about their work.
- Read and begin to write subtraction vocabulary.
- Develop vertical subtraction through formal recording.
- Explore and use extended addition/subtraction patterns
- Recognise that subtraction needs to carried out in a certain order.
- Choose and use appropriate operations and efficient calculation strategies to solve problems.
- Approximate to the nearest 10 or 100.
- Discuss passing of time. Revision of times on clocks they already know.
- Sequence the days of the week/months of the year
- Appreciate and talk about important dates on the calendar.
- Read and interpret information from a calendar.
- Tell the time in hours/ half hours in the analogue clock
- Tell the time in minutes past the hour. Relate to half past and quarter past.
- Understand and explain the relationship between units of time e.g. minute/hour, day/week
- Solve simple word problems in real life contexts, explaining how the problem was solved
- Choose appropriate materials to use in a particular situation.
- Identify and use non-standard units to measure to length.
- understand the need for standard units and use commonly used units for length.
- Demonstrate an awareness of a variety of 3D shapes and describe features.
- Sort variety of 3D shapes according to features.
Data Handling:
- Completing tally charts & pictograms
- Complete Mathletics
Primary 3/4 Literacy focus this term:
- Accelerated reading/reading eggs.
- Accelerated reading quizzes to be completed in order to reach target.
- Daily Reading from our School Reading Scheme
- Daily reading of our class novel “A Diary of the Big Bad Wolf”
- Weekly comprehensions
- Reading library books/visits to library
- Revision of adjectives
- Use of question marks
- Use of exclamation marks
- Use a range of conjunctions to show time: before, when, while, after, until, then
- Understand and recognise time connectives. Use time connectives in independent,
step 6 writing.
- Continue with our steps 6 towards independent writing. Our writing genre this term is “Recount.” The children will write a diary entry where they will become a naughty elf.
- Handwriting sessions
- Seasonal Christmas writing – Nativity Story
- Polar Express writing using a visual prompt.
- Some children will continue to learn their initial sounds/including double consonants and digraph sounds.
- Some children will learn the following sounds: th, ck, wh, ng
December 2024 | February 2025 | |||||
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Wed 1 School Closure, Christmas |
Thu 2 School Closure, Christmas |
Fri 3 School Closure, Christmas |
Sat 4 |
Sun 5 | ||
Mon 6 |
Tue 7 P7 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 8 |
Thu 9 |
Fri 10 |
Sat 11 |
Sun 12 |
Mon 13 |
Tue 14 P5 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 15 |
Thu 16 |
Fri 17 |
Sat 18 Do this in Memory of Me - Mass (6pm ) |
Sun 19 |
Mon 20 |
Tue 21 P6 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 22 |
Thu 23 |
Fri 24 |
Sat 25 |
Sun 26 |
Mon 27 |
Tue 28 P4 Shantallow Library 11.15 - 11.45am |
Wed 29 |
Thu 30 |
Fri 31 |
Noticeboard items here...
P3/4 News
19th Dec 2024
Aaron Melarkey in P3 has worked super hard this term! This shows with his recent...
16th Dec 2024
A massive congratulations to the children from P3 and 4 on an amazing production...
13th Dec 2024
Congratulations to all the children who got 'Pupil of the Week' this week! Keep up...
P 3/4 Gallery
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Greenhaw Primary School,
Carnhill Estate,
BT48 8BA
Tel:028 7135 1908