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Greenhaw Primary School


2019/2020 School Year

15th Oct 2019
The P1s spent a lovely morning in St. Columb's Park exploring signs of Autumn. They...
11th Oct 2019
This week in P2 and P2/3 we have been discussing our preferred learning styles....
10th Oct 2019
Today in our nursery we celebrated World Mental Health Day by having a "feelings"...
16th Sep 2019
Our new cohort of nursery children are settling in very well. They are getting used...
3rd Sep 2019
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you...

2018/2019 School Year

24th Jun 2019
Mrs Cunningham's, Miss Mc Callion's and Ms Heaney's classes all had a fabulous day...
24th Jun 2019
Well done to all the children who took part in the Big Battery Hunt and returned...
21st Jun 2019
The P3 and P4 had a blast in alley cats climbing in the jungle gym. We all loved...
21st Jun 2019
We had a great time with the students from St Mary's taking park in different exciting...
19th Jun 2019
The sun was shining, the music blaring and the children were ready to go. Toes...