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Greenhaw Primary School


2020/2021 School Year

29th Jun 2021
We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Gibbons, for organising an amazing...
21st Jun 2021
Bishop McKeown will celebrate  the 'Fan the Flame' mass today (Monday 21st)...
11th Jun 2021
Fáilte! Bienvenue! Benvenuta! Välkommen! Welkom! Bienvenidas!...
31st May 2021
Well done to all the children and staff who participated in the 'Not So Big Spring...
10th May 2021
Our P2 topic this term is Bright Sparks. As part of the topic the children decided...
27th Apr 2021
Earth Day (22nd April) is an international event celebrated around the world to...
22nd Mar 2021
The boys and girls in P5/6 enjoyed their welcome back breakfast today!   ...
19th Mar 2021
Well done to the girls and boys in Primary five for completing amazing projects...
19th Mar 2021
Well done to the girls and boys in Primary five for completing amazing projects...
14th Mar 2021
This week our nursery children began their Forest School's programme with Emma from...